
Yojohan Shinwai Taikei- The study on Upgradation

Ever thought you could be doing something else? Maybe the people you know, the education you are taking at the moment or the activities you are joining could have been replaced with something better? Ever wanted to upgrade?

Based on Tomihiko Morimi’s novel, The Tatami Galaxy is a story about choices, the what if’s in your life.

The Tatami Galaxy is a eleven episode story of the “Protagonist”- who has not been named and shall be referred as such- going through various choices to achieve his rose coloured campus life.

Except, does the rose coloured campus life really exist?

What’s absolutely fascinating about the series is it’s slow unveiling of the characters, bits and pieces that are found every episode to get the bigger picture of who they really are until everything comes full circle. The Tatami galaxy approves and disapproves of the Butterfly Effect, mixes it with some ridiculousness that is only found in anime, and it manages to give us a really important message.

The art style is seriously one of the best I have ever seen, the colour palate changing according to the mood of the episode, and personally, I loved the way they went about the last two episodes.

It is really hard to explain what is so good about this anime, and I suspect a lot of people were put off by the Narrator’s maniac way of describing events, but it is seriously one of the best anime I have come across.


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